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Locas Only
Locas Only


At Locas Only, we're all about making a positive impact in the world through sustainable and responsible travel. Here’s how we ensure everyone benefits from our adventures:

Supporting Local Communities:

  • Local Heroes: We prioritize hiring local staff and partnering with local businesses. After all, they are the experts, it’s their land and we believe they should benefit from our operations.

  • Local Guides Rule: Hiring local guides and support staff is our top priority for authentic experiences and community support. Also, we reduce CO2 emissions because we don’t need to fly guides from around the world 🙂

  • Fair Wages & Conditions: We ensure all of our staff and every person that is involved in Locas Only gets fair wages and optimal working conditions.

  • Giving Back: We donate 1% of all of our Peru sales directly to our amazing Inca Trail Staff (Chefs, Porters & Guides)

  • Fresh & Local: We partner with restaurants that use locally-grown ingredients, supporting local farms and reducing food miles.

Sustainable Travel Practices:

  • Ditch The Plastic: Bring your reusable water bottles and help us cut down on single-use plastics.

  • Leave No Trace Behind: it is compulsory to take your garbage with you during our tours or to throw it out in designated bins / areas (also if you find some extra garbage along the way, it doesn’t hurt to pick it up!

  • Minimalistic Life For The Win: We encourage our guests to take the minimum equipment necessary for the tours (less is more!)

  • Zero Pollution: We avoid pollution of water and air in the place we visit

  • Nature As Our Home: By embracing hiking, camping, and reducing electricity use, we naturally help the environment. Yay for the great outdoors!


Sustainable Supply Chain:

  • Eco-Friendly Partners: We aim for sustainability throughout our entire supply chain, choosing partners who share our values and love for the environment.

  • Aligned Brands: We spread the word about sustainability by partnering with like-minded brands (see our “Loco Partners” page for more!)

Cultural Connection:

  • Learn & Share: We encourage cultural exchange by engaging with local communities and traditions.

  • Respect & Reflect: We promote respectful travel behaviors and slow travel values, fostering deep connections with local people, cultures and their traditions.

Empowering Women:

  • Women Power: We support women-owned businesses, artisans and guides helping them thrive in everything we can!

  • Skill Swap: Learn new skills from local women, like weaving.

Ethical & Transparent Operations:

  • Clear & Honest: We maintain transparent business practices and provide clear info about our services.

  • Fair Play: We uphold fairness and equity in all our activities.

We believe in leaving a positive mark on every community we touch. By engaging with and learning from local cultures, we aim to enrich our travelers' experiences while supporting and empowering the communities we visit. Join us in making travel a force for good!

Supporting Our Inca Trail Porters

At Locas Only, our porters are at the heart of our Inca Trail adventures. Here’s how we ensure they receive the care they deserve:

Valued Team Members:

Porters are crucial to our operations, and their well-being is our top priority.

Comfort and Essentials:

Our tour operators provide homestays in Cusco for those traveling long distances, nutritious meals, and high-quality gear including warm jackets and comfortable backpacks.

Community Impact:

Working with local communities like Lares and Ocongate, we create opportunities for families by offering porter positions that support education and local development.

Fair Treatment:

Our porters receive fair wages, health insurance, and cultural respect, ensuring they feel valued and supported throughout their journey.


In our Locas Only Inca Trail Adventures, every step supports both unforgettable adventures and the well-being of our dedicated porters.

One of the ways we do this is by giving 1% of the sales from our Peru trips directly to them and the rest of the Inca Trail staff.

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